Taylan's Project - Helping to fund the fight against brain tumours
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Keep it Safe and Legal

Charity fundraising is regulated by law. Below is some information and guidance to help you organise and run a safe and legal event.


Whatever you decide to do, please make sure that you keep your event safe and legal, as well as fun. 

Depending on the type of event you're organising, it may be important to consider the following.


  • Contact Brain Tumour Research should you wish to collect money in the streets (you need a licence and to ask permission before doing so).
  • Carry out a risk assessment and find out if there is anything you need to do or think about to avoid any accidents happening - remember that a hazard is anything that may cause harm.
  • Make sure that you have first aid cover if you need it.
  • Get Public Liability Insurance if the event you are organising involves the public, but please check with the venue first as they should have insurance that covers your event.
  • Apply for an alcohol licence if you plan to sell alcohol at a venue or event that is not already licensed.
  • Make sure children are properly supervised if they are to be present at your event. Depending on the nature of it, and whether adults will be put in charge of supervising children, make sure that the necessary checks have been carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau.
  • Please make sure that you use a reputable company if you are using suppliers to provide equipment or services (such as bouncy castles). Ask to see a copy of their Public Liability Insurance and a risk assessment.
  • If you are providing food at your event, make sure that you follow simple guidelines for handling, preparing and cooking food, as provided by the Food Standards Agency.
  • Count any cash with another person present and make sure that you are in a secure environment whilst doing so (and bank the money as soon as possible).
  • More information on the legal issues surrounding fundraising for your event can be found on Institute of Fundraising.
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